My justification is work. Too much work and I could not find enough time to write. But I do have found time to spend 20 hours in games, some 25 hours reading, though a good part of that was in planes and airports, and two films, which is the same as the first half of the year. So no, the main reason should be that I am lazy and prefer to stay on the couch.
Maybe I am lazy about the blog, but certainly I have written more e-mails to friends, I have spent more time in our wargame club, and even more time with the group of friends, which are in most cases most my wife's circle of friends, so I am not too keen in spending too much time with them.
So, what else? Maybe I do not have anything to write about. I have been to Egypt, and had some weird experiences with taxi hiring, and even a wardrobe malfunction that had me showing my underwear to the whole Egypt International Exhibition Centre (when exiting a taxi, actually). Things have happened. Maybe I do not want to share the anecdote, but there are many things worthy of being written up.
The common sign is that I also stopped writing long e-mails to the two people that I have in mind when I think "Who could be reading this?" The problem is whether I do not have anything I want to share with them, or if I just that do not want to write to them.
Both are under a lot of stress right now, and that is when a good correspondent should write, even if they are too busy to reply. Distraction, support, just friendliness. Instead, I write short neutral phrases. It is not surprising I cannot stitch a few phrases together.
It hsd shown me two things. I need better mental readers, and I need more friends. It would be good to be a better friend, but it may be too late for that.